Cigar humidors are a fundamental necessity for any cigar smoker, to keep cigars moist, flavoursome and an absolute pleasure to smoke. Kept in the right conditions, handmade cigars will develop and mature, but left unattended, they will deteriorate.
We have the most extensive range of humidors to meet virtually every requirement and budget. Starting small, our travel humidors allow you to keep a selection of cigars with you at all times, and whilst practical in size, they still contain essential elements such as humidifiers and hygrometers. They are ideal for a briefcase, golf bag or glove compartment.
Table top humidors are the practical choice for keeping a collection of cigars to hand at all times. Our expansive range incorporates a vast array of capacities from 10 to 100 cigars, from sleek and slender to more imposing boxes. They vary substantially in design, so if you prefer understated style or wish to make a distinctive statement, you are sure to find a humidor which perfectly fits the bill. The one thing they do all have in common is their superb functionality and high quality construction.
A cabinet humidor opens up an entire new world for the cigar aficionado; allowing you to keep a formidable collection of cigars from a few hundred to upwards of 3,000. Our range of superior cabinets are practically designed for easy storage and use, whilst being a significant display piece. Beautifully crafted, these humidors are made from a variety of quality woods such as cherry, walnut or mahogany and all have a natural, premium kiln dried Spanish cedar interior.
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