Designed for up to 300 cigar capacity humidors (up to 113 litres)
Treat your cigars right! The Next Generation Cigar Oasis EXCEL is perfect for any cigar enthusiast. Take it out of the box, and in a few minutes you are ready to go with digital controls and humidity readout to keep your cigars perfect. The Cigar Oasis EXCEL is ideal for humidors up to 4 cubic feet (approximately 300 cigars). The digital display allows you to set the humidity reading to your own desired level. It is factory set at 70%, but some prefer their cigars a little more dry and others more moist. Set it so your cigars give you the perfect draw. The EXCEL comes with a full size cartridge, but a smaller size cartridge with rechargeable battery pack is also available (sold separately). EXCEL cartridges all come pre-filled with distilled water and can be refilled over and over. A full size cartridge can last up to 6 months without needing a refill depending on the size, seal and how frequently the humidor is opened. The cartridges are factory treated with a mold retardant so that your cigars will always be safe and no chemical solutions are needed.
Dimensions: Length: 6” Width: 2” Height: 3.5”
The Next Generation Cigar Oasis EXCEL is the original Cigar Oasis model and remains the only sealed humidifier on the market.
– Powers via paper thin ribbon cable
– Sealed design for Extra-long lasting cartridge
– Provides consistent, unattended, long term, humidity control
– Fan circulates air to reach each cigar equally – No need to rotate cigars
– Set humidity to the precise level preferred
– Displays temperature and three day min/max averages for humidity NEW
– Low Water/Low Battery indicator & alarm
– Micro-USB connections NEW
– Wi-Fi Capable- monitor humidity, settings, water & battery level (Optional Accessory) NEW
– Email/text alerts for Low Humidity, Low Water, & Low Battery (Optional) NEW
– Calibration Adjustment
– Rechargeable battery attachment (Sold Separately)
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